That s why your cat s litter box needs the same attentive consideration you give your home s other bathrooms.
Litter box smells sweet.
1 rule and the only thing that will keep litter box odor at bay is constant cleaning.
The litter box.
We re going to give you a slew of solutions to reduce litter box smell.
A new or strange odor from the litter box is worth investigating.
But not using the litter box often is traced to nothing more than a dirty litter box.
Instead of tolerating those unpleasant litter box smells i got creative and invested in a new sort of solution.
Try using a different litter in each litter box in your home and seeing a which litter your cat prefers and b which litter controls the odor the best.
Now let s talk about fixing the situation.
A foul smelling litter box isn t fun for you or your cat.
For the longest time i was an apartment dweller and aside from a glorious three month period where my cat learned to use the toilet i ve always battled the litter box smell.
This is a smell that you might notice from across the room and it smells like really waxy dirty ears.
How to get rid of litter box smell.
Sweet smelling urine could be a sign of feline diabetes or a number of other cat health problems.
It takes a lot more to prevent litter box smells than regular cleaning.
Here s how to avoid litter box odor and keep your house smelling fresh which should make you and kitty happier.
Fresh step extreme clumping cat litter is easily one of our favorite odor controlling litters available today.
Partnered with febreeze they have the unique ability to bring a household air freshness brand name to the cat litter scene.
Most reviews we ve seen say that this is the hands down best smelling cat litter available.
Find a brand of litter that smells best to you and your cat.
The best way to remove this smell from your life is to keep the litter box as fresh as possible as often as possible.
So far we ve set the outline of our discussion litter box smell and not just any cat pee smell and explained why the litter box might be a source of foul odors.
Of course cleaning a litter box frequently is important not just for keeping smells at bay but to help your cat maintain top hygiene and health that being said if keeping a cat s litter box clean was the only thing necessary to keep terrible smells away hardly any cat owners would have issues with litter box smells.
If so get to cleaning.
This may be the biggest source of cat smell in your home so turn your attention here first.
Does it smell a lot like ammonia in there.
Sprinkle a little bit of the deodorizer over the litter every time you scoop the litter box.
Boy oh boy does it make a difference.
After all your kitty s olfactory senses is 14 times stronger than yours meaning a litter box that smells fine to you might cause your cat to turn up his nose and walk away.
I would recommend taking all 3 of your kitties perhaps starting with the overweight cat to the veterinarian for a urinalysis.