On the third night load the first then the second then the third.
Lighting the menorah right to left.
While the many halachic authorities debate the order of lighting the menorah no one says that it has to face a specific way when seen.
You are however correct that once the shamash is lit you should then light the other candles on the menorah from right to left.
The candles are placed in the menorah from right to left just as hebrew is written from right to left but are lit from left to right.
Light the shamash and while holding this candle say the blessings see below.
When you light the candles the shamash is the first candle to be lit.
On the first night of hanukkah load a single candle into the candle holder that is furthest to the right when facing the menorah.
The shammash candle is always the first one lit and is used to light the others starting with the left most one.
So on the first day of hanukkah you place one candle at the far right of the line of eight.
On the first night set one candle to the far right of the menorah.
On the second night load the first candle and then the second immediately to the left of it.
Fill the unlit oil or place the unlit candles in the chanukiyah as you face it from right to left.
How to light the menorah.
It is used to light the other candles.
On the first night you place a candle on the far right of the menorah.
On the following night add a second light to the left of the first one and then add one light each night of chanukah moving from right to left.
The candles are placed in the menorah from right to left as you face the menorah.
Every day after that you add.
The other candles are then lit on each night from left to right as you face the menorah.
Once they are lit the order of the candles and their specific spot in the menorah is not important.
The correct way to set the candles in a hanukkiah is from right to left.
Then put the shamash back in its spot leaving it lit.
The shamash candle goes in the center of the menorah in the raised candle holder.
Light the shamash candle.
Then hold it in your right hand unless you are left handed.
The talmud shabbat 24a only stresses that when lighting you should start from the left and move right.
Light right to left but left to right there are eight candles to light.
Candles should be lit from left to right each night.
Think of it as lighting the candle representing the newest night first.
You ll replace the candles for all prior nights and add a new candle every evening.