Low vision aids are devices designed to help people with poor vision read and see.
Low vision devices in india.
Examples include standing and hand held magnifiers strong magnifying reading glasses loupes and small telescopes.
A low vision resource centre is operating from hong kong special administrative region china to distribute high quality affordable low vision devices and equipment to all regions.
What is low vision.
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When ordinary eye glasses contact lenses or intraocular lens implants cannot provide sharp sight an individual is said to have low vision.
Out of which 37 million are blind and rest 124 million are people with low vision.
These devices provide greatly increased magnification capabilities along with higher quality optics i e.
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A low vision devices are available in india at various places including sankara nethralaya chennai.
The device uses ultrasound to detect obstacles that may lie directly in one s path.
The buzz clip is a small wearable device for people living with blindness or low vision.
Currently india has around 12 million blind people which makes india home to one third of the world s blind population.
It then notifies the user of these obstacles through vibrations allowing the user to safely navigate around any objects that they may encounter.
5 ninety percent of the people with visual impairment are living in the developing countries.
Based on the current estimates worldwide there are 161 million people with visual impairment.
They can also be bought from l v prasad eye institute hyderabad and other centres like balliwala homi mumbai.
Although reduced central or reading vision is common low vision may also result from decreased side peripheral vision a reduction or loss of clarity of vision or the eye s inability to properly adjust.