Incinerator in south africa high quality incinerators for general waste hazardous waste animal carcasses and medical waste.
Medical waste incinerators in south africa.
With the added advantage of virtually no smoke or smell this compact incinerator offers a cost effective solution for disposing of medical waste on site.
Waste solid and medical.
Pty ltd manufactures incinerators and is a major supplier throughout south africa and.
We helped to pioneer the incineration industry in south africa by becoming the first privately held and managed incinerator supply company in the country.
Our incinerators are available from 23kg h to 500kg h with custom designs available.
Unit7 production pk 83 heidelberg rd city deep gauteng 2197 south africa johannesburg.
Available in two sizes the original is capable of disposing of up to 8 cubic feet 0 22 cubic meters batch loads of infectious and pathological waste with a burn rate of 18 to 20 kg per hour.
The masterburn mb150med medical waste incinerator is designed for safe clean disposal of medical waste in clinics hospitals field camps and health care facilities.
Manufactures incinerators in a state of the art production facility and has been doing so since 1968.
In south africa incineration is the most common method being used in the disposal of toxic medical waste.
Medical waste disposal solid waste technologies sa pty ltd address.
We would like to offer a potential low cost solution to this problem by introducing you to littergon incinerators waste the scourge of the future solid waste medical waste and landfills are a serious threat to.
Emission loads from the incinerators are higher than large scale commercial incinerators but a panel of experts considered the incinerators to be more acceptable compared to the other.
However incinerators are known to pollute the air by releasing toxic metals to the atmosphere polluting soil and surface water and the use of incinerators has been implicated in the disruption of human hormonal immune and reproductive.
Environmentally safe compact portable and easy to operate is a diesel fueled medical waste incinerator for hospitals and clinics.