This unique level 9 course by the griffith innopharma faculty of science is available part time online or via blended learning.
Medical device courses dublin.
What is a medi c al device medical device directives the regulatory process ce marking.
Contact us springboard is co funded by the government of ireland and the european social fund as part of the esf programme for employability inclusion and learning 2014 2020.
If you have any queries about the best course for you just contact us and a member of our team will assist you.
About the medical device innovation programme.
Risk classification conformity assessment and ce marking.
Process validation is a key requirement of medical device pharmaceutical and api regulations.
Nsf international provides regulatory and quality medical devices training courses and professional qualifications.
1 face to face training day typically translates into 2 to 4 virtual sessions per day this is determined by the specific course content.
Designed to provide students with a range of knowledge and skills for employment in a medical device environment.
Nsf s training courses are highly interactive and based on real scenarios helping you meet international requirements throughout the product lifecycle.
The programme was formulated with industry input in response to a number of recommendations highlighted in the march 2008 forfás report on the future skills needs.
Accredited by the technological university dublin tallaght campus practical modules will be provided through the use of their pilot facilities.
Eu regulation of medical devices course content.
Medical device technical health and safety specifications.
Our learners work at the world s leading pharma and medical device companies such as.
Qqi level 6 minor award in pharmaceutical and medical device operations.
Medical technology course by national college of art design ncad dublin the msc in medical device design is based in a dedicated medical device design studio on the ncad campus.
With every getreskilled online program.
We release only one week s worth of material at a time and then manually check your activity logs weekly to make sure that you are keeping up with your workload.
Technological university dublin tallaght campus.
The programme consists of a combination of taught modules and studio based project work.
Key stakeholders legal instruments definitions.
Medical device and regulatory fundamentals.
Number of sessions and specific session times will be confirmed in advance of course delivery.