During these challenging times it s comforting to know that all of us at martin s point generations advantage are here for you.
Martin s point generations advantage wellness wallet.
All martin s point generations advantage plans include coverage for.
Martin s point collaborates with healthwise for trusted health information and wellness support.
We want to make sure your health coverage isn t one of them.
While original medicare only covers the annual wellness visit generations advantage covers both at a 0 copay.
2020 wellness wallet member reimbursement form if you are not sure if your expense is eligible for reimbursement please call martin s point generations advantage member services at 1 866 544 7504.
Martin s point encourages our generations advantage members to receive both their medicare annual wellness visit and an annual physical exam each year with their primary care provider.
711 8 am to 8 pm seven days a week from october 1 march 31 and monday through friday the rest of the year to discuss your concerns.
Learn more about our top rated plans and discover how a martin s point generations advantage plan can support your health and help you live your best life.
To access your online patient portal mymartinspoint click on the button below.
We encourage martin s point generations advantage members to contact us with questions concerns or problems related to any benefits or service.
Martin s point generations advantage is a medicare part c plan that offers a variety of medicare services in packages tailored for your needs and budget.
Please call us at 1 866 544 7504 tty.
Like all medicare advantage plans martin s.
Doctor and hospital visits 0 in network preventive screenings care.
We understand that our members are dealing with many concerns during the current coronavirus outbreak.
See instructions on the bottom of this of sheet.
Generations advantage sales seminar online seminar aroostook franklin hancock knox lincoln penobscot piscataquis somerset waldo and washington counties join us for a free online medicare seminar and q a session about the generations advantage plan from the comfort of your own home.
For martin s point health care center patients.
Mymartinspoint for martin s point generations advantage or us family health plan members network providers.