Meat grinding stage one.
Making snack sticks in dehydrator.
Also remember dehydrators are designed to remove moisture from the products that you place inside of them.
Beef snack sticks in a dehydrator step 1.
I start out low around 145 to 150 degrees for an hour then turn the temperature up to 170 degrees and continue to cook until the snack sticks reach an internal temperature of 150 degrees.
In order to keep the cost of making these snack sticks down we look for bargains on beef.
Meat grinding.
Doing this to your snack sticks is going to make for a very dry product.
I used to stick the jerky directly in the dehydrator at this stage but a co worker baulked at eating my jerky due to salmonella concerns.
You will be looking for a final internal temperature of 158f and this will be difficult to achieve if your dehydrator oven only goes to 155f.
Cooking the sticks can be accomplished in the oven on a smoker or in a temperature controlled dehydrator that can be set to at least 160 degrees.
Legg snack stick seasoning 1 tsp prague powder 1 curing salt 19 21mm collagen casings for the sake of convenience i recommend the 21mm size whereas strongly advising against any.