Figure 7 shows the xr 2206 connected as a sine wave generator.
Low distortion sine wave generator circuit.
Schematic of the sine wave oscillator consisting of a low distortion lt1632 based wien bridge oscillator core and an ltc1968 controlled amplitude stabilization loop.
Functionally this board uses a wien bridge oscillator that.
The output of the ltc1968 equals the rms level of the sine wave divided by 3.
And the active devices in the circuit q1 q2 will need to has a gain ratio nearly three times so will complete to produce.
Then the bridge circuit consisting of r1 r2 and c1 c2 to define the frequency of the generator.
The vlf sine generator circuit demonstrated in fig.
1 is a reasonably easy technique depending on the well known wien bridge.
It features a variable output low distortion and low output impedance in order to obtain good overload capability.
This circuit generates a good 1khz sinewave adopting the inverted wien bridge configuration c1 r3 c2 r4.
In this circuit we use a zener diode in performs this function to limit a voltage.
A small filament bulb ensures a stable long term output amplitude waveform.
The xr 2206 is an older ic that is still available and a great way to generate sine square and triangle waves over a wide frequency range.
Low noise low distortion sine wave generator for testing adc demo boards demonstration circuit 1858a is a low noise low distortion sine wave generator designed to be used in conjunction withlineartechnology 16 bit and 18 bit adc demoboards.