This guidance is aimed at local authority inspectors in england and should be read in conjunction with the animal welfare licensing of activities involving animals england regulations 2018 si no 486 1.
Local dog boarding regulations.
Dog day care keeping or training animals for exhibition we have decided to publish this guidance for local authority inspectors as we believe it is in the public interest to do so.
Perhaps you ll find a former dog boarding facility that you can revamp and make your own or maybe you ll find land on which you can build one from scratch.
Dog breeding pet selling hiring out horses.
Guidance documents are available for each licensable activity under the regulations.
The new aal regulations will affect businesses involved in dog and cat boarding kennels daycare home boarding etc.
Bureau of dog law enforcement the bureau of dog law enforcement is responsible for ensuring the welfare of breeding dogs and puppies in commercial breeding kennels.
The office also regulates activities pertaining to dogs that are classified as dangerous and oversees annual licensure and rabies vaccinations for dogs.
If you have an existing boarding licence it will remain in place until its expiry date 31 st december 2018 for most people.
No matter what check zoning regulations local laws and licensing requirements to ensure you ll be able to run your business in a particular location.
Some states even mandate or require local governments to make ordinances for licensing of dogs or other dog matters.
Local dog laws often called ordinances involve a variety of subjects including licensing vaccination leash laws the number of dogs a person may keep and procedures for impounding dogs.
In addition to the requirement for all boarding kennels to be licensed by their local authority and to adhere to their licensing conditions under the terms of the animal boarding establishments act there are several other pieces of legislation which are likely to be.
31 oct 2013 p.
Whether you must meet some specific state or local standards to operate an animal boarding facility depends on the local laws in your jurisdiction.
By that date providers of home domestic boarding services will need to comply with detailed requirements of new regulations in order to apply for a local authority licence to continue offering their services.