Little old log cabin in the lane.
Little log cabin in the lane.
The boxcars jacksonville fl january 2011.
Oh the trees have all growed up that lead around the hill.
In de little old log cabin in de lane.
Dar was a happy time to me.
Oh i ain t got long to stay here what little time i ve got.
The fences have all gone to decay.
The little old log cabin in the lane is a popular song written by will s.
Provided to youtube by the orchard enterprises the little old log cabin in the lane fiddlin john carson fiddlin john carson vol.
Twas many years ago when de darkies used to gather round de door.
Written in dialect the song tells of an elderly man presumably a slave or former slave passing his later years in a broken down old log cabin.
And the creeks have all dried up where we used to go to mill.
These country classic song lyrics are the property of the respective artist authors and labels they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only.
Provided to youtube by syntax distribution log cabin in the lane the boxcars the boxcars the boxcars 2010 mountain home music released on.
De hinges dey got rusted an de door has tumbled down an de roof lets in de sunshine an de rain.
Written in dialect the song tells of an elderly man presumably a slave or former.
And things have changed their course another way.
When dey used to dance an sing at night i played de ole banjo but alas i cannot play it any more.
Hays in 1871 for the minstrel trade.
1 1923 1924 1997 docum.
And the little old log cabin in the lane.
The title is from a refrain.
Little old log cabin in the lane lyrics oh i m gettin old and feeble and i cannot work no more the children no more gather round my door and old masters and old mrs they are sleepin side by side.
Little old log cabin in the lane lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use only it s a very pretty bluegrass song recorded by jim and jesse.
The little old log cabin in the lane is a popular song written by will s.