Single zone 12 heated length bored for 1 3 od process tube three zone 9 18 9 36 heated length bored for 3 6 od process tube the blue m 1100 c tube furnace comes with single setpoint or programmable controllers for each chamber model.
Lindberg blue m 1100â c tube furnace manual.
Conduct heating applications faster than conventional furnaces withthermo scientific lindberg blue m 1100c tube furnaces which benefits from design elements such as double shell construction and variable density insulation to enhance performance not available in europe.
Features independent digital temperature control modules sold semperately which are available in standard or programmable options not available in europe.
Lindberg blue m 1500 c general purpose tube furnace the lindberg mph 1500 c general purpose tube furnace is designed with integral temperature control for a range of applications which require processing flexibility with fast heatup and recovery.
Microprocessor based self tuning pid control provides optimal thermal processes without overshooting not available in europe.
Thermo scientific lindberg blue m 1700c tube furnaces feature heating elements with unique right angle bend and sidewall mounting to deliver exceptional en.