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Lg nano cell tv vs samsung qled.
Pour vous donner une comparaison pratique entre la technologie nanocell et la technologie qled nous avons comparé deux représentants égaux de ces séries cela concerne plus particulièrement le samsung q70t et le lg nano86 dans la comparaison vous constaterez que les technologies sont fondamentalement différentes.
Lg patents this technology.
This means a narrower viewing angle but much better and deeper black.
Hence you will not find the same on any other tv.
When it comes to tv technology the little line that turns an o into a q is a really big deal.
Lg nano86 vs samsung q70t.
Qled tvs can compete with the top brightness of nanocell tvs but use va vertical alignment type of lcd panel panels.
How the two best tv technologies compare in 2020.
Unlike the quantum dots that provide a perkier picture on samsung qled tvs lg s nanocell technology is all about maximizing color quality by removing unwanted color from the display s 8 million.