When laying natural stone slabs lay on a full mortar bed.
Laying granite paving slabs.
Lay the paving slabs on a full mortar bed which should support the whole slab not just the corners.
Laying granite paving most professional landscapers will have their own methods of laying granite paving and it is always recommended to seek advice from a professional before laying in order to take all the variables into consideration.
Use a mortar mix of 6 parts sharp sand to 1 part cement.
Some paviour s prefer a just damp mix some prefer moist while others insist on a wet mix.
Lay slabs gently and evenly over the leveling layer to create the final paving.
The actual process of laying is much as described elsewhere on this website.
All good practice guidance suggests that paving stone should be fully bedded and not laid on dots and dabs.
Determine your desired finish height for the surface then measure the thickness of the pavers the thickness of bedding mix into which the granite paver will be laid and the required thickness of the concrete base usually 75mm for pedestrian areas or 100mm for vehicle traffic.
A bed is prepared the flag is placed and then it is consolidated by tapping down to level using a rubber maul or mallet.
Mix together with just enough water to make it damp and workable but not overly wet and runny.
Laying course material is prepared in a mixer adding water to create a consistency slump that suits the laying operative.